Abrupt, 2024 / of 4 / More info

We were asked to do the art direc­tion of the brand new brus­sels-based fes­ti­val called Abrupt. To kick off the release, we col­lab­o­rat­ed with motion design­er Vincent Van Lieshout to cre­ate the fea­tured cam­paign video. Be sure to check out the new web­site cod­ed by Studio Dier / www.abrupt.brussels

We worked around the idea of por­tals”. We regard music as a trans­for­ma­tive force that guides lis­ten­ers through var­i­ous spaces and dimen­sions, each genre offer­ing a unique audi­to­ry jour­ney. Our visu­als reimag­ines music as an art form capa­ble of instan­ta­neous trav­el, tran­scend­ing time and bridg­ing dif­fer­ent uni­vers­es.

Project togeth­er with graph­ic design­er and artist Victor Verhelst. Thank you to all par­ties involved for trust­ing this style and let­ting it grow with the festival

Screenshot 2024 07 26 at 10 27 20 Screenshot 2024 07 16 at 16 37 56 Screenshot 2024 07 26 at 10 32 19 Meakusma Magazin abrupt

The Brand Identity Posters, 2023 / of 1 / More info

From now on, a selec­tion of our designs are up for pur­chase at graph­ic design plat­form and pow­er­house The Brand Identity in three dif­fer­ent sizes. Some designs fea­ture our self-made type­faces like Smithe and Weimar. Each lim­it­ed edi­tion poster is a muse­um-qual­i­ty Giclée print, print­ed on Hahne Muehle Global Photorag 308gsm, a hand-picked archival art paper with a min­i­mum lifes­pan of 80 years.

Limited to only 50 copies per size, the posters are offered in A1, A2, or A3 dimen­sions. Worldwide ship­ping is avail­able, and the posters will be care­ful­ly pro­tect­ed in a tube or enve­lope dur­ing ship­ment. Notably, the entire pro­duc­tion process is end-to-end car­bon neu­tral. Big thank you to Elliot Moody and his team!


Poster forweb

Konvooi, Booklet, 2022 / of 7 / More info

Identity and pro­gram with timetable and art route book­let for Konvooi 2022. Konvooi is an annu­al mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary music and arts fes­ti­val. Located close to youth cul­ture cen­tre Het Entrepôt in Bruges. It pro­vides young artists/​collectives a tra­jec­to­ry, a bud­get and the respon­si­bil­i­ty to co-curate the fes­ti­val. For the iden­ti­ty of Konvooi we select­ed a sten­cil type­face and start­ed to deform these let­ters into almost unread­able shapes. We liked the idea that this defor­ma­tion looked like wet ink drip­ping from a wall. The com­po­si­tion of these let­ters visu­al­ize a con­voy. A shape or group of vehi­cles, nor­mal­ly used in mil­i­tary strate­gies, to ben­e­fit a defen­sive pur­pose. This project was made togeth­er with graph­ic design­er Otis Verhoeven and Lennart Van den Bossche. Typefaces we used in this pub­li­ca­tion were Mineral by Benoit Bodhuin and Helveesti by ABC Dinamo. Every year het Entrepôt is look­ing for new young and upcom­ing cura­tors for Konvooi or oth­er fes­ti­vals and events, be sure to give them a call if you are inter­est­ed in curat­ing a festival. 

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Kalei Coffee Co. Branding / of 12 / More info

For the new iden­ti­ty we made a series of play­ful illus­tra­tions relat­ed to mak­ing cof­fee, inspired by Asante Treasures and sculp­tor Alfred Basbous. Furthermore we select­ed a col­or palette to show­case the dif­fer­ence between dif­fer­ent types of coffee.

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Ramble Song by Berlin, 2021 / of 4 / More info

Poster and Vinyl design for the instal­la­tion and per­for­mance called Ramble Song’ by Antwerp based col­lec­tive BERLIN. With Ramble Song, BERLIN pro­pels music — a dri­ving foun­da­tion in ear­li­er work — and the cin­e­mat­ic into the fore­ground. A poet­ic ram­ble full of beau­ty but also dis­ap­point­ment unrav­els in a series of tableaux. Ramble Song mean­ders between melan­choly and black humour, inspired by the fig­ure of the drifter ­— the nomad who cul­ti­vates a form of inde­ci­sive­ness and who lurks in each of us. Onstage there is a the­atri­cal instal­la­tion. This organ­ism in sleep mode, with some­thing that resem­bles a con­tin­u­ous­ly audi­ble and vis­i­ble res­pi­ra­tion, is ani­mat­ed through live music and footage. The sound­track is wide-rang­ing, fea­tur­ing echoes of new-clas­si­cal music but also ener­getic krautrock and a diver­si­ty of synth-dri­ven sound­scapes. The dai­ly noise between our ears here gives way to a musi­cal uni­verse that gets crys­tal­lized in images — and vice ver­sa. More infor­ma­tion on www​.berlin​ber​lin​.be

Schermafbeelding 2022 08 26 om 12 15 55 Cover Ontwerp finaal vierkant LP Beeld berlin Ontwerp finaal vierkant

Kortrijk Art Weekend, Identity, 2023 / of 1 / More info

Kortrijk Art repre­sents more than 20 orga­ni­za­ti­ons (see the tags on this post), pri­va­te and pub­lic, that pro­gram and show visu­al arts in Kort­rijk. More info on their new web­site www​.kor​trijkartweek​end​.be


Jowa Identity, 2022 / of 13 / More info

Branding and iden­ti­ty for Jowa in Jakarta. Jowa is a fusion kitchen BBQ restau­rant in Jakarta, Indonesia. We want­ed to cre­ate a unique visu­al lan­guage for this upcom­ing restau­rant in the sub­urbs of the vivid city. So we start­ed think­ing of a way to visu­al­ize the coals of a bbq with the way ingre­di­ents are han­dled by a chef in a kitchen. We start­ed draw­ing these burned-out abstract forms and start­ed cut­ting straight aggres­sive lines into them. Just like a very sharp knife would to do a toma­to or a piece of beef. The out­come were these abstract fig­ures that worked per­fect­ly in the set­ting of the restau­rant. Inside these rudi­men­tal forms we select­ed a classy type­writer type­face to clash both ele­ments. Together with the client we also pro­duced an approach on food pho­tog­ra­phy and their social media atti­tude. Making sure this abstract iden­ti­ty was com­bined with very moody and straight-for­ward pho­tog­ra­phy of their dish­es and inte­ri­or. Website made togeth­er with graph­ic design­er and web­de­vel­op­er Mathieu Serruys and intern Ibert Pauwels. 

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The Waiting Room, 2023, Interview / of 1 / More info

For an inter­view Corbin Mahieu did called The Waiting Room”, we cre­at­ed a col­lab­o­ra­tion poster to pro­mote the new online release. Contact us if you are inter­est­ed in buy­ing one. (50 prints, signed, 382×594, off­set, Silver & Black, 20 euro + ship­ping (814 euro) (Depending on the coun­try) Contact: info@​corbinmahieu.​be

WAITING ROOM is an inter­view series that col­lects, doc­u­ments, and show­cas­es the life sto­ries and day-to-day lives of artists and design­ers. It is influ­enced by the con­trast between the way artists and design­ers talk about their cre­ative work in their respec­tive fields and how it is per­ceived by the gen­er­al pub­lic. Curated by PUBLIC UNPUBLIC The All Night Workers Division. Read the full inter­view here www.thewaitingroom.watch

Corbin poster finaal grijs voorweb

Robbrecht en Daem architecten, 2022 / of 5 / More info

We were asked to design the new web­site of respect­ed Belgian archi­tects Robbrecht & Daem. The web­site fol­lows a very strict grid and plays with­in the lim­i­ta­tions of these self-made choic­es. Following Robbrecht en Daem’s unique count­ing sys­tem called Louie” (Named after the American archi­tect Louis Kahn) the web­site only uses lines and one weight and height of a grotesk type­face to make a log­ic view­ing sys­tem. Referring to archi­tec­tur­al plans or sketch­es and the way a build­ing is based on lay­er­ing the cor­rect mate­ri­als. We hope you get lost and are chal­lenged by the uncon­ven­tion­al inter­face, when going through their projects, encoun­ters and thoughts. Besides this min­i­mal­ist sys­tem, we also tried to includ­ed the use of a visu­al hori­zon. We want­ed this con­cept to be the start­ing point of the home­page. We hope view­ers expe­ri­ence a vir­tu­al land­scape of build­ings or projects going from left to right. Their unique approach on design need­ed to have a unique dig­i­tal out­come. Besides this port­fo­lio web­site we also helped to to cre­ate a per­son­al dig­i­tal data­base and made sure their newslet­ters are made auto­mat­i­cal­ly. Project togeth­er with web devel­op­er Rein van Oyen. Visit the web­site www​.rob​brech​t​en​daem​.com

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Funke, Identity, 2022 / of 8 / More info

In 2022 we designed the new iden­ti­ty for Funke. We made an easy-to-use approach for the dai­ly face­book event­ban­ners, social media slides and sto­ries. Funke is a bar, art space and club in the cen­ter of Ghent. Every month the iden­ti­ty has anoth­er col­or con­nect­ed to the sea­sons. Together with the peo­ple behind Funke and the com­mu­ni­ca­tion team we are look­ing for oth­er improve­ments on the already exist­ing approach for the fol­low­ing years. 

Affiche december Funke affiche11 Funke affiche2 Affiche Affiche feb vooropwebsite Affiche jun Aaffiche may A1 Affiche maart